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About our school

All Saints’ Primary School officially opened on All Saints’ Day, 1990 and has since had an extension built on in 2016. It has five classrooms, each equipped with an interactive whiteboard. We also have a central resource/ library area as well as a designated area for Play. The rest of the school consists of a staff-room, Principal and Secretary’s offices, a kitchen, a multi-purpose hall with fitted climbing frames; toilets, cloakrooms and a caretaker’s store. The Department of Education has approved additional accommodation.
We have a large outdoor area comprising an outdoor gym, an adventure trail, wooden playhouses, a spacious playground with areas for soccer, for use of the trucks and trikes and cycling proficiency training. We have a grass Gaelic football pitch and an environmental area including a pond, greenhouse, wooded area and bug hotel.
Our current staffing is made up of our teaching Principal, 1 full-time permanent teacher, 2 part-time permanent teachers and 2 part-time temporary teachers. The school secretaries, building supervisor, classroom assistants, supervisory assistants, school meals staff, sports coaches and music tutors complete a team dedicated to the education and welfare of children entrusted to their care.
Meals are transported daily from Holy Family Primary School. They are served from 12.10pm and are supervised by members of staff in the multi-purpose hall. Pupils have a choice of meals or they can opt to bring a packed lunch.
All Saints' Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR Telephone: (028) 82243233